

Sacred Pause: A Creative Retreat For The Word-Weary Christian Rachel G. Hackenberg (Hardcover)

Sacred Pause: A Creative Retreat For The Word-Weary Christian Rachel G. Hackenberg (Hardcover)

  • $ 21.00

Our lives are full of words. We rarely pause to attend to them, much less take time for personal retreat. This book encourages you to stop and revel in the sights, sounds, and meanings of what we say about God. Rachel Hackenberg offers the word-weary, the word-lover, and the spiritually hungry to explore the words of faith anew and thereby meet The Word afresh. Through twelve deceptively light-hearted chapters on letters and definitions, grammar and poetry, this book sparks spiritual inspiration even as it provides practical exercises for an enlivening personal retreat experience!

Rachel G. Hackenberg is an ordained United Church of Christ minister and author of Writing to God and Writing to God: Kids’ Edition. She facilitates workshops on prayer & worship, clergy renewal, and congregational vitality.

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