Twenty-Four Hours a Day Hazelden (Hard Cover)
52 Weeks of Conscious Contact Melody Beattie (Paperback)
A Day At A Time : Daily Reflections for Recovering People Anonymous (Hardcover)
Daily Comfort While Grieving Catholic Book Publishing (Leatherette)
Meditations and Devotions St. John Henry Newman (Paperback)
Cause of Our Joy: Walking Day by Day With Our Lady Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C. (Paperback)
Daily Companion for Caregivers: Minute Meditations for Every Day Allan F. Wright (Paperback)
Native Wisdom for White Minds: Daily Reflections Inspired by the Native Peoples of the World Anne Wilson Schaef (Paperback)
Morning Light: A Book of Meditations to Begin Your Day Amy Dean (Paperback)
Food for Thought - Daily Meditations for Overeaters Elizabeth L. (Paperback)
Day by Day with Mary Charles Fehrenbach (Paperback)
Anchors for the Soul: Daily Wisdom for Inspiration and Guidance Joyce Rupp (Paperback)
Lent and Easter Wisdom From Henri J. M. Nouwen Judy Bauer (Paperback)
2020 Not By Bread Alone: Daily Reflections for Lent Michelle Francl-Donnay (Paperback)
2020 Not By Bread Alone: Daily Reflections for Lent Large Print Michelle Francl-Donnay (Paperback)
Devociones diarias para la Cuaresma de 2020 (El Evangelio vivo) (Spanish Edition) Greg Kandra (Paperback)
Stepping Stones: More Meditations For Men Anonymous (Paperback)
Encouraging Words to Live By: 365 Days of Hope for the Anxious and Overwhelmed Anne Costa (Paperback)
Day by Day With Saint Faustina: 365 Reflections Susan Tassone (Paperback)
The Celtic Spirit: Daily Meditations for the Turning Year Caitlin Matthews (Paperback)