Saint Therese of Lisieux: Story of a Life Guy Gaucher O.C.D. (Paperback)
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Saints Reserved - An Encyclopedia of Relics Thomas J. Craughwell (Paperback)
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Saints Who Transformed Their World Sherry Weddell (Paperback)
Saints- A Year in Faith and Art Rosa Giorgi (Hard Cover)
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St. Patrick: His Confession and Other Works Fr. Neil Xavier O'Donoghue (Paperback)
St. Peter's Story Marion Thomas (Hardcover)
St. Rita of Cascia: Saint of the Impossible (Wife, Mother, Widow, Nun) Fr. Joseph Sicardo, O.S.A. (Paperback)
St. Teresa of Avila : Her Life In Letters Teresa of Avila ( Paperback )
Sterling Silver Miraculous Medal with Pink Floral Border on Chain
The Book of Saints Victor Hoagland (Hardcover)
The Early Church (AD 33-303): St. Peter, the Apostles, and Martyrs James L. Papandrea
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The Franciscan Saints Robert Ellsberg (Paperback)