Myths of Light - Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal
Joseph Campbell (Paperback)
Master mythologist Joseph Campbell had a genius for finding the unifying symbols and metaphors in apparently distinct cultures and traditions. In "Myths of Light," Campbell explores, with his characteristic clarity and humor, the principle that underlies all the great religions of India and East Asia, from Jainism and Hinduism to Buddhism and Taoism: the transcendent World Soul. Just as Campbell's book "Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor" revealed the mythic underpinnings of the Judeo-Christian tradition, so "Myths of Light" offers a glimpse into the heart of Eastern mysticism. Campbell examines the core philosophies and mythologies of the East, comparing them through vivid examples and stories to each other and to the West. This illuminating collection conveys complex insights through warm, accessible storytelling, revealing the intricacies and secrets of Campbell's subject with his typical enthusiasm.
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